“I can’t believe the condition of the homes where the kids live. I want to go back and build these kids better homes”, says Rian, 11 years old. Rian’s heart had been prompted by God to bring hope to children who seemed to have no hope.
Homes on the Apache Reservation range from the size and appearance of a garden shed to over 1,300 square feet. Within the walls of these larger homes, as many as 20 people, sometimes up to four families may reside, most waiting for over 15 years for a home of their own. The children sleep wherever they can find a space, often times there is no functional kitchen sink, windows have been broken out by vandals, and scorpions in the house are not uncommon. For many, cramped quarters, un-safe living conditions and poverty contribute to a vicious cycle where “home” is not a safe place to reside.
This story is all too common on the reservation. Every day parents worry how they are going to provide for their families and where they will get food. Needless to say, home renovations are not high on their priority list. Because of Rian’s desire to provide children with a better place to live, Homes of Hope was launched. Mission teams visit areas in need and make every effort to help alleviate the tangible needs of families by sharing the love of Jesus while providing Homes of Hope.
While renovations and improvements are made to the homes, other team members are building relationships with the kids through ministry activities such as sports camp, day camp, personal development and one-on-one activities. Most importantly team members are sharing the love of Jesus with the kids in practical ways.
One Family’s Story:
Since the age of 12, Ronnie was lured by satan and his life led him to alcohol and drugs. He found himself on the ‘other side of the tracks’ where he had no hope and his life nearly ended tragically.
24 years ago, following a near fatal stabbing, Ronnie gave his life and his heart to the Lord. Ronnie now ministers to teens that have been deceived by Satan and fallen into a similar trap.
Life is hard on the reservation and often times when young parents feel trapped and without hope they will drop their kids off with anyone that is willing to take care of them. That is how Ronnie came to have six of his grandchildren living with him. Wanting to protect his grandchildren from going down that same path as they grow older he took them into his home and is providing for them as best he can.
In 2013, Homes of Hope came into this family’s life and brought HOPE! Renovations were made to the bathroom, kitchen and a new bedroom was built for the children. The motivation was simple – Jesus!