Does this sound like you?
- You are entering or currently attending college
- You are bombarded with the distractions of life.
- You want to take the time necessary to solidify your relationship with Jesus.
- You want to develop relationships with other students.
- You would like to discover the joy of walking out your faith.
What if you could spend some time like this.

- Leading and participating in several kids camps.
- Planning activities for special needs camps for adults.
- Taking a stateside mission trip.
- Developing, designing, creating and praying for each planned camp or trip.
- Spending quality time alone with Jesus.
- And much more.
Then here is an opportunity you can’t pass up.
Complete our Volunteer Team Member Form so that a real person from Lantern and Compass Project can contact you and discuss your involvement.
How College Teams Got Started
God started us off slowly with a Valley Forge senior that needed an internship for the semester to fulfill graduation requirements. She was instrumental in helping to develop Adventure Camp.
That quickly led to our first summer students which was nothing short of an adventure. God has been providing just the right amount and the right students since then. Take some time and read more about The First College Team with Lantern and Compass.
Thanks to Tanner Whetzel for creating this recap of the what a summer as a College Team Member might look like.
Internship from Terry Williams on Vimeo.