Reservations have closed early due to overwhelming response.
Interested in donating to help sponsor the next event? Click here to make a donation that will directly support the purchase and distribution of this blessing in the future.
Clarity and Direction
Reservations have closed early due to overwhelming response.
Interested in donating to help sponsor the next event? Click here to make a donation that will directly support the purchase and distribution of this blessing in the future.
Food is a basic need for everyone and we have been blessed to be able to serve alongside The Good Shepherd Ministries to give a little food encouragement to the community through Drive-thru Food Box blessings. Over the 4 months we have been blessing people with food boxes we have seen how God is using that physical food encouragement to also provide spiritual encouragement.
During each event our team has opportunity to pray with every car that comes through to receive a food box. During one of those prayer times a young woman requested prayer that she would find a job. She returned the following month and shared that God had answered her prayer from last month and had provided her with a job. God’s answers to prayer are not always so obvious but we must remember that just because we don’t see how God has answered our prayers doesn’t mean He hasn’t. God ALWAYS answers prayer.
As we continue to provide opportunity for people to touch the lives of those in their community it is our prayer that everyone would be more open to receiving the message of God’s perfect and boundless love for us as He faithfully provides our every need.
We will continue to encourage people through our Community Food Box Blessing events and continue to hear how God is touching lives.
Due to an overwhelming response we are unable to take reservations for any further boxes.
BUT, you still have an opportunity to be part of our Thanksgiving food box giveaway event. We would like to see everyone in our church sponsor a minimum of 1 food box for our November 24th Community Food Box Blessing event. A Donation of $7.00 per box, covers the cost to package and deliver the boxes to TGSM. Each box contains 35-40 lbs of food, a mixture of perishable and non-perishable items. It can be your way of encouraging a family during Thanksgiving.
Sponsorships are important. The more boxes sponsored the more we are able to bless families in our community.
We apologize that food boxes were unable to be delivered this past Tuesday. The delivery is rescheduled for October 27th but ask that you submit a new reservation for your box. RSVP is open ONLY to previous registrants. Please RSVP no later than end of day Sunday October 25th.
Lantern and Compass Project and The Good Shepherd Ministries want to bless you with a FREE, 35-40 lb box of food containing a mixture of fresh produce and other misc items. It is our way of encouraging our community but you MUST RSVP no later than October 18th below for the FREE event so that we know you want to reserve a box.
Interested in donating to help sponsor this awesome event? Click here to make a donation that will directly support the purchase and distribution of this blessing.
Our next event will be November 24th. RSVP will open on November 11th.
Limit 1 box per vehicle.
Lantern and Compass Project and The Good Shepherd Ministries want to bless you with a FREE, 35-40 lb box of food containing a mixture of fresh produce and other misc items. It is our way of encouraging our community but you MUST RSVP no later than October 18th below for the FREE event so that we know you want to reserve a box.
Interested in donating to help sponsor this awesome event? Click here to make a donation that will directly support the purchase and distribution of this blessing.