It’s a bird, it’s a plane. No, it’s superman! We’re all familiar with this superhero’s powers yet even he was vulnerable to kryptonite. The Kryptonite “pushes” out Superman’s stored energy and replaces it with poisonous radiation he cannot process! Even Superman has a weakness that renders him powerless.

Aren’t you glad that you have a power that nothing can render useless. Paul writes to the believers in Ephesus and encourages them as he shares the magnitude of God’s plan and the power He gives us through Holy Spirit.
“Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.”
Through Superpower Unleashed, the third in our Unleashed series, our team shared how God’s power works through ordinary people and how each person can receive the power that will help them understand, love and accomplish God’s plan for their lives.

Eric Valentine, founder and owner of Team Works, shared each week how God has empowered him through his business and how the skills and gifts that God has given him, enables him to do more than he would ever dare to ask or hope.
Each one of us have access to that power. The power that enables us to do far more than we could ever imagine through Holy Spirits power living within us as followers of Jesus Christ.