Have you ever entered into the Holy of Holies? Have you ever stood on Holy ground and been in the very presence of God? Have you really thought about sitting next to Jesus in your most favorite place? What did the conversation with Jesus sound like as you sat and talked with Him? Did you feel the warmth of His presence as you sat there with Him, saying nothing?
I wish I could adequately share the experiences that a group of PK/MK students were having at a weekend retreat; experiences that potentially changed the direction of their faith walk with Jesus.

But that’s exactly what happened for a group of elementary students. Each chapel Jesus wanted to meet with them and spend time with each one individually. What happened looked different for each student. To give you a glimpse of the time spent with Jesus take a look at what one student wrote in their journal.
I had just finished sharing the story of Moses giving his attention to and going to see the burning bush and how God told Moses to take off his sandals because he was on Holy ground. I further shared the conversation that God had with Moses there.
As each student was led into their own Holy of Holies and the very presence of Jesus they were encouraged to share their thoughts and ask Jesus some simple questions.

The final question was simple, “What else do you want me to know?” Very simply said was the following response.
So went the entire weekend. Going into the Holy of Holies and spending time with God himself. The students began to realize that their time with Jesus could be more interactive and more intimate. They recognized that Jesus wants to spend quality time with them and desires to have a two way conversation.

I know that Jesus spoke to students that weekend as evidenced by feedback, comments and testimony. Here is just one from the camp director. “We’ve gotten such good feedback about the kids time at PKMK Retreat. The kids had a blast but the best part has been hearing how they’ve talked with their parents about listening for God in prayer and endeavoring to continue the practice at home. One parent said that her son “took a leap forward in praying.”
Another testimony was from a student that shared, “Jesus told me that I am blessed and I need to share that with others”
A chaperone shared, “Jesus told me that I am loved as much as anyone else and that I need to tell the world.”
Pray that more War Rooms (Prayer rooms for students) will be established, giving our younger believers the experience they need to carry their relationship with Jesus to a whole different level of intimacy.